
SCOM MPs: Process Count Monitor

In my latest project I ran into a situation where I wanted to monitor the amount of processes of a specific executable. If you have worked with the SCOM Operations Manager Console before, you might know that a template exists for this particular scenario. However, this template will only discover the object if the process is already running. This wasn’t acceptable for this project so I decided to create my own monitor for the number of processes of an executable. The discovery was actually done using a registry entry (which I find very handy; but be aware of 64Bit operating systems, as I described in one of my other blog articles).

First off I needed a class which would be the target of the monitor. When the class is created you can create the monitor with this class as a target (you need to discover the object somehow though). Create a new script monitor with two states (or all three states, if you prefer to).

Use the following script when the wizard prompts you for a script:

' Process Count Script. Usage:script.vbs
Option Explicit
' SCOM Scripting API Objects
Dim oAPI, oBag
Dim objWMIService
' Parameters
Dim sComputerName, strProcessName
Dim colProcess, objItem, PrcCount

sComputerName = WScript.Arguments(0)
strProcessName = """" & WScript.Arguments(1) & """"

Set oAPI = CreateObject("MOM.ScriptAPI")
Set oBag = oAPI.CreatePropertyBag()

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & sComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM CIM_Process WHERE Caption = " & strProcessName)
PrcCount = 0

if Not IsNull(colProcess) Then
For Each objItem in colProcess
PrcCount = PrcCount + 1
End If

Call oBag.AddValue("Count",PrcCount)
Call oAPI.Return(oBag)

Don’t click on ‚Next‘ just yet. Hit ‚Parameters‘ and make the list look like in the following screenshot (Image 1). Note that there is a single blank between $Target/Host…$ and PROCESS.EXE. Replace PROCESS.EXE with whatever your binary is called.


In the next two steps you’ll have to define the unhealthy and healthy expressions. Since I used the property bag in the script these will be Property[@Name=’Count‘] (see Image 2). Set the expression for the ‚Healthy Expression‘ to something similar. If you have to ensure there is always exactly a single process active you need to set the unhealthy expression to ‚Not Equal‘ 1 and the ‚Healthy Expression‘ to ‚Equals‘ 1. In my scenario I allowed process counts from none to one.

Last but not least you can check the configuration in the overview. In the next screenshot (Image 3) you can see that I used Integer for the @Type rows. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s Integer or String so don’t bother to change it accordingly.

Although this is a very simple monitor, I didn’t find a ready-to-use solution somewhere. I hope this will help you if you’re trying to build something similar.